Thursday, June 3, 2010

Round 1, Fight 1, Scene 1, Act 1

(OOG note: now all breaks between lines are to indicate emails from different people. Its generally pretty obvious which paragraphs are for which person, players describe their own actions, and I, the DM, describe hits or misses in addition to monster actions)

The halfling moves to the front door (D1) and throws it open.
The scene in front of you is less than appealing. What seems to be a normal looking base floor of the inn/tavern that is the Squeaky Cog is in serious need of extermination. There are two, large, terrible looking....bugs. They have relatively tough looking carapaces from which 6 grotesque appendages with spikes at the end of each emerge. The large one chitter a terrible clacking sound and their forearm-length mandibles clack, dripping with some sort of venomous looking substance. Amongst the room and under the chairs skitter about 8 more of the small broodlings, miniature versions of the monstrosities that sit before you.
One charges forward and glares, almost as a challenge, at the door. A small one charges forward, ready to feast upon the fresh meat.

The elf moves nimbly through the door and then quickly to the left so that he is next to two of the creatures (shift 2 to O6 using five storms movement power) and unleashes a whirlwind of punches and kicks (five storms vs reflext, on a hit 5 damage, 9 vs B2, 14 vs B5, if either of those hit 7 flurry of blows damage to B5 unless B5 somehow died in which case 7 damage to B2)

Zenor's fist solidly connects with the insect's carapace, but fails to break it.

The large bug skitters around the table and lunges in, wrapping the elf in its mandibles and snapping down hard on his torso (27 Ac, 12 damage, grabbed) and then skitters off while crushing the elf, its mandibles dripping with acid (20 AC, 6 damage, 5 ongoing acid (save ends), shift with Zenor back one space). The other broodlings move about the room, and look ready for combat, while one surges forward in an attempt to nibble on the grabbed Zenor, but Zenor lifts his legs using the large bug as leverage to avoid the miniature one (11 AC).

The halfling steps into the tavern, mace ready, then nimbly tumbles forward 5 feet, and smashes his mace upside B5's head. (Acrobatic Strike, 21 vs AC, 10 damage + 4 sneak attack)

The broodling's head explodes in yellow and green juices that splatter over Zenor's leg and side.

The dog charges in and pounces on B8 (17 vs. Ref, 6 damage)

The dog handily crushes the bug in its jaws, sending more green and yellow blood over the room.
The chittering of another broodling fills your ears as another of the small bugs skitters around the inn towards Zenor and tries to sink its mandibles in, but Zenor dances around the increasing swarm of bugs (11 to AC).

Blinn steps up right outside the door (D1) and tosses a breakable vial at the elf entangled with the large bug, covering him in a slightly sticky substance that quickly evaporates, closing some of the wounds and soothing the pain. (Zenor gains HP equal to his healing surge) Then he twists a few knobs and flicks a switch on his armor sending out a zig-zag of lightning that envelops Zenor in a small cocoon and continues on to blast one of the smaller bugs next to him. (Zenor gains +1 AC until the end of my next turn; against B3 19 vs. fort, 9 thunder damage, and push 1 square away from Zenor)

The bug spasms with electrical energy and flies backward, only its legs twitching.

Being wired for destruction, Titan thunders straight through the door, lifting his maul above his head as he squares off next to A2 (up to M6 position), He drops his maul straight down at the creature as he lumbers to a halt (26 to AC à 18 damage if hit)

As Titan lumbers past one of broodlings (B1) it attempts to claw at him but it dings off his heavy armor (15 AC).
The large Ankheg lets out the bug's equivalent of a roar, which is mostly just a terrible screeching sound, as the maul resounds sickeningly off the side of its armored abdomen (hit).
The hordes of bugs begin to skitter about, seemingly enraged by the hit against the brood leader. (B7: G7->L7, B2 shift 04 to O5)
The bugs seem mostly ineffectual against Titan's scale armor (B7 gets 14 to AC).
The small one sinks its mandibles into Zenor (I think, 18 to AC? 6 damage if hit).

Jacobus steps up behind Blinn, and his dagger crackles as he throws an arc of lightning towards the big bug. (12 vs. Ref on A2, if a hit 8 damage, slide A2 to M7, and lightning arcs to B1, dealing 3 to it)

The large bug deftly steps to the side avoiding the crack of lighting.

Diggie steps to the right of the door and with a wry smile pulls out his flute and sends a 'focused sound' at the large bug at N3. (22 vs ref 7dmg on hit everyone crits on rolls 18-20)

The large bug twitches its head and seems distraught by the tunes.

Round 1 Report

Updated map. Pleaase update your self on the mapand the initiative track

26 A1 - Delay to 19
23 B5 - Move forward and defend DEAD
20 A2 - Move forward and defend
20 Zenor - Move to O5 and miss
19 A1 - Moves around the Table from J3 to N4, shifts back to N3 pulling Zenor into N4
19 B6 - Skitters foward to K5
16 B8 - Moves forward and attempts to feed on Zenor, DEAD
16 B1 - Hunkers down in a defensive position
15 Lars- Moves to N6 and kills Brood 5
13 Large Dog- Moves to N5 and kills Brood 8
12 B4 L2 to N3 and claws at Zenor
9 Blinn- just outside D1 on map, protects Zenor, kills B3
8 Titan - moves to M6, hits A2
7 B2 - shiffts to O5, attacks
6 B7 - moves to L7, attacks
4 B3- DEAD
4 Jacobus- behind Blinn, misses
3 Diggie - to Blinns left, hits A1

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